Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Rejoicing Independence

Google says, it took us over 150 years of struggle to get our independence and we are independent for 65 years now. But I fail to ascertain the fact - are we really independent?

I sometimes worry, occasionally laugh at the irony of fate we've been through. We united for a secular country and later lost it to the very same secularism. The chairpersons change, but the chair remains untethered.

My country,
Has the second leading population, and census state we would beat China in near future (some rejoice, we'll finally we beat China)
Where Pizza delivery is in 30 minutes with a money back policy while ambulance takes 1 hour give or take a few hours
The Commercials are free while the essentials costs sky high
The one who pays his taxes are negligent fools while the ones who manage to skip are smart
People marry for security reasons rather than for loving each other
Kids are born with a fate as to compete, for the world is portrayed a marathon. If you stand you succeed, else bury yourself in the stampede
Where a cricketer earns per match, while soldier per injury
Where Philanthropy is a mere act of publicity which foils the literal meaning of philanthropy
Insane rule while the rest of sane (such as me) simply grieve over it and move on with their lives
Our constitutional motto - For the people, of the people and by the people is the only part where people seem to be of some significance

But what the heck, still this is my country, this is my identity, this is what made me what I am now and will be tomorrow and the day after!

Jai Hind


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