Monday, June 24, 2013

Coffee Day experience

Have been a Chennaite my whole life but I've never once been to Coffee day. Paid a visit first time and it was to discuss a business proposal with a friend whom I've not met in over seven years.

As it happens we had another person who wasn't actually a mutual friend and thus there was an awkward instead of an open-way conversation. As we just began to discuss, the waiter approached our table and asked if we wanted something. My hosts looked at me in response to that. Well, if I were about to spend another hour there and if I really wanted to stay UP then maybe I should have something hot. The waiter handed me over the menu which went for like 8 pages! Espresso, Macchiato, Irish, Café Mocha, Chococcino - all sounded Greek and Latin to me.

Was flabbergasted to find out we had these many varieties in coffee. Also I felt in awkward to open up I've never been to Coffee Day being a Chennaite. Just then I reminded myself 'What is there to loose", I broke the ice with a statement addressing my host "Could you please order me something mildly hot, I've never ordered anything here"


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