Friday, December 2, 2011

The Lovely Bones - So far

The Lovely Bones
                Susie Salmon, the victim of child molestation watches over from heaven her family move on after her unexpected death. It’s a very dramatic portrayal of heaven over earth. She watches over her sister experiencing all those adolescent trauma and pleasure she had missed. She watches it all – her mother brooding over the past; father slowly turning into a cop, intruding peoples life like a bounty hunter does crazy thing for bounty; the lazy cops referring her a ‘case’ ignoring the fact she was once alive; neighbors advising theirs kids, referring her as a Case Study; her first crush who also happened to be the last, hit on other girls, she watches everything single thing.

The author has shed some light on how humans sense tremulous voice of ghosts while their soul separates their torsos. The individuals perspective on the loss. The guilty is wandering free un-assaulted, planning on his next venture. Who might be the next? Will Salmon be able to intrude or will she remain helpless pressing hands wondering what to do!

Wed 11/9/2011

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