A magical Christmas
This evolves around two families facing tyranny at different periods. In 1860's, Christmas time, during Civil war in Florida, a commanding officer dies to meet his family and his girl when he's about to be hanged, especially because they had parted with a fight last. The other is late 1980's in Virginia, the family is falling apart and decides to spend their last Christmas together in an Oak river plantation in South Florida.
Something magical reveals as the latter family moves to Oak River Plantation which is were the former family resided back at the time of Civil War
The present family is mad at each other, kids hate their father. Mother as well hates the father as he doesn't help him in the daily chores and always make excuse when it comes to responsibility. While the father is angry at himself for not being able to spend some quality time as his attorney job keeps him busy always. He hates his job firsthand and is sticking onto it so that he can feed his feed his family well and give his kids quality education. But he's angry that his family doesn't care for what he does and he is just being protective for the families sake. When it comes to demise, he proposes one last family vacation for this Christmas and maybe he could get a second chance, only to find that he's making it worse...
Something learnt,
Love, love one to all eternity. I learnt to forgive, for you might regret if you chose not to
Love; War; Past; Present; Acceptance; Forgiveness; Christmas and above all Magic - A Magical Christmas
Wed 12/7/2011
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