Monday, June 24, 2013

Coffee Day experience

Have been a Chennaite my whole life but I've never once been to Coffee day. Paid a visit first time and it was to discuss a business proposal with a friend whom I've not met in over seven years.

As it happens we had another person who wasn't actually a mutual friend and thus there was an awkward instead of an open-way conversation. As we just began to discuss, the waiter approached our table and asked if we wanted something. My hosts looked at me in response to that. Well, if I were about to spend another hour there and if I really wanted to stay UP then maybe I should have something hot. The waiter handed me over the menu which went for like 8 pages! Espresso, Macchiato, Irish, Café Mocha, Chococcino - all sounded Greek and Latin to me.

Was flabbergasted to find out we had these many varieties in coffee. Also I felt in awkward to open up I've never been to Coffee Day being a Chennaite. Just then I reminded myself 'What is there to loose", I broke the ice with a statement addressing my host "Could you please order me something mildly hot, I've never ordered anything here"


I'd marry my bike!

Another hectic morning ride amidst the traffic. There a couple of things which I do while I patiently wait for the red signals to turn green. One watch out for pretty girls, of course there were none around this morning. Second is to look out for the funny sticker works in bikes and cars. Noticed a pulsar with an interesting cite "I'd marry my bike if it had a life". Perplexed what exactly he meant by life!


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Change is Good !

Visited an institute to take part in a work shop. While I was waiting by the reception happened to notice the notice board where a chart was put up with a title "Change is good" below which there were a series of notices. I started with the last one which went like this 'design techniques, change of pattern, etc'. When I reached the topmost notice I was just astounded to read 'New fee structure'. I just couldn't help but smile at the analogy/ reference to the title :)
